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Vietnam construction recruitment agency

--The  experienced, responsible and dominant  Vietnam construction  hiring agent for overseas market

What we do?

Vietnam construction recruitment agency service has been one of our major and regular practice for our group since 1994.



With about 70 Million population in working age, Vietnam has an abundance of potential human resources equipped with practical experience, high literacy level,  and modern industrial training. Huge numbers of high-rise buildings, modern civil projects help to boost construction industry and its manpower, which provides huge skilled workers for our overseas construction recruitment agency service.

We have great manpower source on: carpenter, framework, tiler, mason, plaster, floor layer, concrete, scaffold,welder, roofer, metal fabricator, iron workers,etc.


How we recruit?

Beside the technical skill and education background, the stronger discipline and better teamwork makes a strong manpower of Vietnamese construction workers. This could be a consensus in Middle East and Eastern Euro.

Work permit and visa application could be a complicated professional practice in most of EU countries and Vietnam as well. We will need related recruitment information to grand Vietnam government approvals before our advertising, screening candidates based on their background, personal character and certifications. As normal practice, we prefer employer to come for the on-site-skill-test and face-to-face screening, to choose workers by their own.

The proven recruitment professionalism has help us to the major Vietnam construction recruitment agency and Vietnam TIG/ MIG welders recruitment agency for Portugal, Albania, Serbia, Romania, Croatia, Lithuania, and other Balkan and Southern/ Eastern Europe countries.


Highly responsibility to both side of employment, gain us the market reputation among employers and job-seekers.

Please click to for our other service “service and manufacturing recruitment from Vietnam”, "Australia Agriculture Visa recruitment agency from Vietnam" and "Vietnamese chefs recruitment agency" service.


Please contact us for construction recruitment agency service from Vietnam..

Skilled construction  manpower  resource from Vietnam
Vietnam  construction  recruitment agency-
Great civil projects train Vietnam construction workers
Modern civil  engineering  boost Vietnam manpower agency
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             HQ contact:

             Whatsapp / Mobile:  +6596171836 / +959782710571  (Vietnam, Myanmar)     





             Asian Recruitment Agency--Singapore (HQ), Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal, Myanmar, China


The dominant Vietnam recruitment agency / manpower agent / employment firm for construction , hospitality, culinary, manufacturing, mining and marine, metal fabrication, retail and warehousing, service and garment industries

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